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How Insulation Gives You the Best Heating & Cooling System Results

If you have a heating system and air conditioner in your New Jersey home, you may think it doesn’t require insulation – after all, you can easily keep it at the ideal temperature throughout the year simply by adjusting your systems. But there are more benefits to insulation consider:

  • Lower your energy costs: No insulation means having to adjust your heating and cooling more often and more drastically as the seasons change, and this means that your systems have to use more energy more often. By installing insulation, you’re helping to keep your home or business at a more constant, comfortable temperature where your heating and cooling systems are using a lot less energy – and that means you save.
  • Lower your maintenance costs: Air conditioners and central heating which works harder and more often is far more likely to experience significant wear and tear. This means more maintenance, a higher risk of breakdowns and increased repair costs – even when it’s a state-of-the-art machine. Installing insulation means less work for your equipment, helping it to work more effectively and last even longer.
  • Participate in the Clean Energy Program: New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program is designed to assist home and business owners in reducing their energy consumption. Buying ENERGY STAR systems and windows will qualify you for rebates and the state offers a home performance evaluation that looks at insulation, duct sealing, windows, doors and more to find out how your property performs. There are also federal tax credits available.

At Crosstown Plumbing Supply, we offer a wide range of high efficiency, energy saving heating and cooling systems at wholesale discount prices, including central air, ductless systems, boilers and more. If you would like to have your current system evaluated, our specialists will give you a free consultation on it’s performance and how it can be improved. For more information on our heating and air conditioning systems, please contact us today!

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